October 14th, 2023 - 2023 by Colin

It's been another busy year. We got a dog (as you can see in the picture), the girls named her Piper. We lost our camp hostess due to illness. We found another; then lost him. Finally an excellent solution landed in our laps. A couple who are regular campers here asked if they could to do it. I invited them to do a trial and finish the year out for us. Long story short, they're amazing and even better a whole bunch of my projects got done in a very short amount of time! We're very excited for them to be here next year. ...and he know's a lot about fishing, so if you have any questions while camping here he can probably help you out. =D
The restaurant did great this summer which was huge relief. We're keeping our fingers crossed that winter will be good to!
One of the projects we succeeded in completing this year was improving the front lawn. ...well making a front lawn. The half that had previously been a mess of weeds and stuff sticking up is now a lovely lawn.
The new dock project got started thanks to my Dad. My parents came out and cracked the whip back in Spring, and (among other things) we got the first section of the new dock built. Only seven more to go.