January 11th, 2021 - Painting the Bar by Colin

After a relaxed, low-key celebration of the end of 2020 in the apartment, we stepped things up and really got the restaurant revamp underway.
Mandi's aunt and a good friend of hers came over this morning to start painting in the bar. They're very efficient ladies; it didn't take them long to have the red paint covered with a more subtle grey ...or taupe, green, brown or blue depending on who you ask and where they're standing at the time.
While the ladies were painting, I was working on removing the trim around the deck doors and windows so that we can paint it. That revealed a new issue, I spent over an hour poking insulation into the gaps around them; it should help keep that area warm during the winter though.
We've also been busy clearing out the back room with the idea of turning it into the store and camp check-in area. It looks like we're going to have to rent a heavy duty floor scraping machine to remove the underlay that is glued to the concrete though.